
Getting started


Install Kobalte by running either of the following:

npm install @kobalte/core
npm install @kobalte/core

Using the components

The example below demonstrate how to create a Popover component with Kobalte.

import { Popover } from "@kobalte/core/popover";
import { CrossIcon } from "some-icon-library";
import "./style.css";
function App() {
<Popover.Trigger class="popover__trigger">Learn more</Popover.Trigger>
<Popover.Content class="popover__content">
<Popover.Arrow />
<div class="popover__header">
<Popover.Title class="popover__title">About Kobalte</Popover.Title>
<Popover.CloseButton class="popover__close-button">
<CrossIcon />
<Popover.Description class="popover__description">
A UI toolkit for building accessible web apps and design systems with SolidJS.
import { Popover } from "@kobalte/core/popover";
import { CrossIcon } from "some-icon-library";
import "./style.css";
function App() {
<Popover.Trigger class="popover__trigger">Learn more</Popover.Trigger>
<Popover.Content class="popover__content">
<Popover.Arrow />
<div class="popover__header">
<Popover.Title class="popover__title">About Kobalte</Popover.Title>
<Popover.CloseButton class="popover__close-button">
<CrossIcon />
<Popover.Description class="popover__description">
A UI toolkit for building accessible web apps and design systems with SolidJS.

In a few lines of code, we've implemented a fully accessible Popover component that :

  • Adheres to WAI-ARIA Dialog design pattern.
  • Can be controlled or uncontrolled.
  • Optionally render a pointing arrow.
  • Has focus fully managed and customizable.