
Color Area

Allows users to adjust two channels of an RGB, HSL, or HSB color value against a two-dimensional gradient background.


import { ColorArea } from "@kobalte/core/color-area";
// or
import { Root, Background, ... } from "@kobalte/core/color-area";
import { ColorArea } from "@kobalte/core/color-area";
// or
import { Root, Background, ... } from "@kobalte/core/color-area";


  • Can be controlled or uncontrolled.
  • Support for adjusting two-channel values of an RGB, HSL or HSB color value.
  • Pressing on the color area background moves the thumb to that position.
  • Supports using the arrow keys, for changing value by step, as well as shift + arrow key, page up/down, home, and end keys, for changing the value by page step.
  • Support for disabling the color area.
  • Prevents text selection while dragging.
  • Exposed to assistive technology as a 2D slider element via ARIA.
  • Uses two hidden native input elements within a group to support touch screen readers.
  • Automatic ARIA labeling using the localized channel names by default.
  • Support for mirroring in RTL locales.


The color area consists of:

  • ColorArea: The root container for the color area.
  • ColorArea.Background: The component that visually represents the range of colors from which a user can select.
  • ColorArea.Thumb: The thumb that is used to visually indicate a value in the color area background.
  • ColorArea.HiddenInputX: The horizontal native html input that is visually hidden in the color area thumb.
  • ColorArea.HiddenInputY: The vertical native html input that is visually hidden in the color area thumb.
  • ColorArea.Label: The label that gives the user information on the color area.
<ColorArea.Label />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />
<ColorArea.Label />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />



The value provided to defaultValue or value should be Color object. You can obtain a Color object by using the parseColor function to parse a color from a string. The xChannel and yChannel must be one of the channels included in the color value, for example, for RGB colors, the "red", "green", and "blue" channels are available. If no xChannel or yChannel is provided, for the RGB color space, the red color channel maps to the horizontal axis or xChannel, and the green color channel maps to the vertical axis or yChannel. Similarly, for the HSL and HSB color spaces, the hue color channel maps to the horizontal axis or xChannel, and the saturation color channel maps to the vertical axis or yChannel.

Default value

<ColorArea defaultValue={parseColor("rgb(2, 132, 197)")}>
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />
<ColorArea defaultValue={parseColor("rgb(2, 132, 197)")}>
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />

Controlled value

Current color value: hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

import { createSignal } from "solid-js";
const [value, setValue] = createSignal(parseColor("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"));
<ColorArea value={value()} onChange={setValue}>
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />
<p>Current color value: {value().toString("hsl")}</p>
import { createSignal } from "solid-js";
const [value, setValue] = createSignal(parseColor("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"));
<ColorArea value={value()} onChange={setValue}>
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />
<p>Current color value: {value().toString("hsl")}</p>

xChannel and yChannel

The color channel for each axis of a color area can be specified using the xChannel and yChannel props. An array of channel names for a color can be returned using the color.getColorChannels method.

const [value, setValue] = createSignal(parseColor("rgb(100, 149, 237)"));
const [rChannel, gChannel, bChannel] = value().getColorChannels();
<ColorArea value={value()} onChange={setValue} xChannel={gChannel} yChannel={bChannel}>
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />
const [value, setValue] = createSignal(parseColor("rgb(100, 149, 237)"));
const [rChannel, gChannel, bChannel] = value().getColorChannels();
<ColorArea value={value()} onChange={setValue} xChannel={gChannel} yChannel={bChannel}>
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />

HTML forms

ColorArea supports the xName and yName props for integration with HTML forms.

<ColorArea defaultValue={parseColor("rgb(100, 149, 237)")} xName="red" yName="green">
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />
<ColorArea defaultValue={parseColor("rgb(100, 149, 237)")} xName="red" yName="green">
<ColorArea.HiddenInputX />
<ColorArea.HiddenInputY />

API Reference


ColorArea is equivalent to the Root import from @kobalte/core/color-area.

The controlled value of the color area..
The value of the color area when initially rendered.
The color space that the color area operates in. The xChannel and yChannel must be in this color space.
onChange(value: Color) => void
Event handler called when the value changes.
onChangeEnd(value: Color) => void
Event handler called when the value changes at the end of an interaction.
Color channel for the horizontal axis.
Color channel for the vertical axis.
The name of the x channel input element, used when submitting an HTML form. See MDN.
The name of the y channel input element, used when submitting an HTML form. See MDN.
The name of the color area, used when submitting an HTML form.
validationState'valid' | 'invalid'
Whether the color area should display its "valid" or "invalid" visual styling.
Whether the user must check a radio group item before the owning form can be submitted.
Whether the radio group is disabled.
Whether the radio group items can be selected but not changed by the user.
Localization strings.
Data attributeDescription
data-validPresent when the slider is valid according to the validation rules.
data-invalidPresent when the slider is invalid according to the validation rules.
data-requiredPresent when the user must slider an item before the owning form can be submitted.
data-disabledPresent when the slider is disabled.
data-readonlyPresent when the slider is read only.

ColorArea.Background, ColorArea.Thumb, ColorArea.HiddenInputX, ColorArea.HiddenInputY and ColorArea.Label share the same data-attributes.


The current color is available on the thumb using the custom css property --kb-color-current.


Data attributeDescription
data-orientation='horizontal'Always presesnt


Data attributeDescription
data-orientation='vertical'Always presesnt

Rendered elements

ComponentDefault rendered element


Keyboard Interactions

PageUpIncrements the value of the thumb in the vertical axis by a larger step.
PageDownDecrements the value of the thumb in the vertical axis by a larger step.
ArrowDownDecrements the value of the thumb in the vertical axis by the step amount.
ArrowUpIncrements the value of the thumb in the vertical axis by the step amount.
ArrowRightIncrements the value of the thumb in the horizontal axis by the step amount.
ArrowLeftDecrements the value of the thumb in the vertical axis by the step amount.
HomeDecrements the value of the thumb in the horizontal axis by a larger step.
EndIncrements the value of the thumb in the horizontal axis by a larger step.